Every day, when I sit down at my desk, with all of my hopes and dreams of living a connected, spiritual, healing life that brings love and joy into the world, I have this #truthbomb pinned up on the wall next to me,


“Settling for crumbs doesn’t keep you fed – it keeps you starving.”


It’s like the ugly truth beautifully said. It’s the call out to the fears that haunt us that we fail to name. It’s the remaining small that keeps us starving for more.


Each time I read it, I see new meaning in it.  Today, as I sit here hoping to finally and fully launch a business in healing that will bring greater amounts of love and joy into the world, the crumbs today are the little fears . . . those little nagging bits that get stuck in your teeth, and you just can’t seem to get them out.


You know what I am talking about, right?


Yet, here I am trying to live what I know – that our fears are more or less fabricated by our ego to keep us small (with exception of protecting our health and safety – those fears can be very real).  I’m talking about the fears like – what if someone doesn’t like me? What if I show up and pour my heart into this and someone stomps on it? What if someone judges me? What if, what if, what if . . . Those little crumbs that are like the stinging paper cut that stops you dead in your tracks and bring a tear to your eye.  


I want to sweep those crumbs up because you know, you know, that if you keep settling for those tiny crumbs that keep you small, you’ll never be fed either.  You’ll be starving for more – more happiness, more love, more connection . . .


So, today, I am posting my very first blog post.  This is it. This isn’t a crumb, it’s the whole damn cookie.  Today, I am taking a step toward happiness, love, and connection . . . and I know when I do, I am supported just like we all are, at all times.


What’s your crumb that keeps you starving? What step will you take to start a journey that will keep you fed?