by Andara Hawaii | Jan 1, 2019 | balance, Inspiration, magic, Motivation, New Earth, wonder
Ever since I graduated college, I had suddenly become aware of the consumeristic hype surrounding the holidays (holy-days). For some reason, in college, they still held magic – maybe it was the magical relief and freeing of my mind from a rigid academic daily...
by Andara Hawaii | Oct 10, 2018 | Inspiration, Intiution, Sovereignty, Spirit Being on a Human Journey, Spiritual Activation
My first oracle deck was the Goddess Isis Oracle Deck, and I just randomly stumbled across it on I sat there looking at it, wondering why I would need an oracle deck, but the artwork was stunning! I put the deck in my “wish list” and let it...
by Andara Hawaii | Oct 10, 2018 | Crystal Grid, Inspiration, Reiki, Spirit Being on a Human Journey, Spiritual Activation
In July 2017, I walked into a crystal shop here in Kona, and I immediately “heard” certain crystals calling to me. I had completely forgotten how, as a kid, I would always get the “Bag of Rocks” from the Gems & Minerals building at the San...
by Andara Hawaii | Oct 10, 2018 | Reiki, Spiritual Activation
I have been trained in Usui Reiki Energy Healing in this lifetime. This methodology was channeled by a Mikao Usui, a Japanese Christian Minister in the late 1800’s. Reiki is the combination of two Japanese words – Rei and Ki, where Rei is the wisdom of our...
by Andara Hawaii | Sep 19, 2018 | balance, Divine Masculine and Feminine, Inspiration, Intiution, Motivation, New Earth, Sovereignty, Spirit Being on a Human Journey, Spiritual Activation
I originally wrote this piece in early 2017, when we were all reeling from the election of the current POTUS. As we continue to see signs of the unraveling of things as we have always known it, I am being guided to re-share this here, now. The energies are shifting...