by Andara Hawaii | Nov 5, 2019 | balance, Emotional Intelligence, Engineering, Inspiration, intention, Intiution, Intuition, Life Lessons, Motivation
Having stepped away from my engineering career for a full three years now, I have been able to work through a lot of interesting emotional and mental patterns and behaviors I hadn’t recognized in myself prior to now. I was one of those kids in high school that...
by Andara Hawaii | Apr 26, 2019 | Inspiration, intention, Intiution, magic, Manifestation, Motivation, purposeful creation, Sovereignty, Spirit Being on a Human Journey, Spiritual Activation
Do you really want to change? Have you looked at your life lately and felt defeated or stuck? Everyday you do exactly the same things, feel exactly the same way, and play out patterns on repeat like a stuck tape deck circa 1990? Most of us think...
by Andara Hawaii | Mar 11, 2019 | balance, Inspiration, intention, Intiution, magic, Motivation
I always say, I love that I am able to do healing work, especially after being in a field so contrary to who I AM for so long. It is refreshing. What I love most about every session is that on an energetic level, we each receive from each other. We are all energetic...
by Andara Hawaii | Mar 11, 2019 | balance, Inspiration, intention, Intiution, magic, Motivation, Spirit Being on a Human Journey, wonder
For 2019, my primary theme or “word of the year” is embodiment. By embodiment, I mean living with my soul fully inside of my body. You might laugh and say, Andara, aren’t our souls already in our bodies? Well, partly yes, and partly no. I...
by Andara Hawaii | Mar 11, 2019 | balance, Inspiration, intention, Intiution, magic, Manifestation, Motivation, New Earth, purposeful creation, Sovereignty, Spirit Being on a Human Journey, Spiritual Activation
When I was in engineering, I spent a lot of my time and energy at work spinning out of control. It felt like I was in this constant state of panic and procrastination because I was living unintentionally and without direction. What do I mean by that? Another way to...
by Andara Hawaii | Jan 4, 2019 | I am that I am, Inspiration, Manifestation, Motivation, Vocabulary
We are entering into an energetically different timeline. You may have noticed that it feels and appears that time is going by faster than it ever has. It is because we are shifting and evolving, and our concept of time no longer is congruent with the changes we are...