Soul Light – A Journey of Embodiment
For 2019, my primary theme or "word of the year" is embodiment. By embodiment, I mean living with my soul fully inside of my body. You might laugh and say, Andara, aren't our souls already in our bodies? Well, partly yes, and partly no. I find I am embodied...
Intentional Living – Setting Intentions
When I was in engineering, I spent a lot of my time and energy at work spinning out of control. It felt like I was in this constant state of panic and procrastination because I was living unintentionally and without direction. What do I mean by that? Another way to...
The Powerful “I AM”
We are entering into an energetically different timeline. You may have noticed that it feels and appears that time is going by faster than it ever has. It is because we are shifting and evolving, and our concept of time no longer is congruent with the changes we are...
Rediscovering Magic & Wonder
Ever since I graduated college, I had suddenly become aware of the consumeristic hype surrounding the holidays (holy-days). For some reason, in college, they still held magic - maybe it was the magical relief and freeing of my mind from a rigid academic daily...
What is an Intuitive Card Reading?
My first oracle deck was the Goddess Isis Oracle Deck, and I just randomly stumbled across it on Amazon.com. I sat there looking at it, wondering why I would need an oracle deck, but the artwork was stunning! I put the deck in my "wish list" and let it sit there for...
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